3 Best Biceps exercises for beginners with dumbbells

3 Best Biceps exercises for beginners with dumbbells

 In this post, we will discuss about 3 best biceps exercises for beginners with dumbbells. as we know there are lots of biceps exercises for which we need different machines and equipment like barbells, weights, preacher curl machine, cables etc. but today we will tell you that we can train biceps from dumbbells also.

   Biceps is one such muscle of our body which is demand of our today's new generation. 70% of guys like to train biceps mostly in gyms. they only like big and muscular biceps so that's why most gym goers train their biceps daily, training your biceps daily can limit your biceps growth, it is a small muscle that works in mostly exercises like chin ups, pull ups, lat pull down, bent over rows etc. that's why we don't have to do biceps more than twice a week.

Best Biceps exercises for beginners

Biceps exercise with dumbbells at home

We can do all this exercise at our home easily. for this, we just need a pair of dumbbells which is not very expensive. dumbbells are useful in other exercises also, so buying dumbbells is a good investment because our gyms are also closed due to pandemic, so buy a dumbbells and exercise at home.

Biceps exercise with dumbbells for beginners 

As you are a beginners, you do not need advance techniques and much variations in your biceps. your body will respond more as compared to intermediates. keeping this in mind, we will tell you 3 best biceps exercises that will train hit biceps from all the angles, so that your biceps will grow.

Best biceps exercises for you

first of all, we have to understand that each exercise will benefit a different part of the biceps. but before talking about exercises, we will know about the parts of biceps.

Biceps has mainly two parts(heads) -
  1. Long head - The outer face of biceps is known as long head which helps in flexion movement of elbow and abduction of shoulder.     
  2. Short head - The inner face of biceps is known as short head. it is attached to shoulder blade (Scapula), which stabilize the shoulder joint. it also helps in flexing elbow and abduction of shoulder.

biceps brachii
image - google | King of the gyms

Let's talk about, 3 best exercises:

1. Dumbbells biceps curls -
This is the best exercise to train overall biceps (long head and short head), this is commonly performed exercise for biceps in gyms. 

→Method - take a medium heavy weight according to you, then stand in straight position. your palms face should be in front, then curl your elbow in upward direction, let your biceps be contract, then get back your curled elbow to normal position, repeat this action. do 3-4 sets of 10-12 reps in each sets, increase weight weekly accordingly.

→ Weight - 5-10 kg.

→ Sets - 3-4 sets

→ Reps - 10-12 reps in each set

→ Target heads - long head and short head

→ Equipment - pair of dumbbells

3 Best Biceps exercises for beginners with dumbbells
image - google | Anabolic aliens

2. Hammer curls -

Hammer curls is one of best exercise to target long of bicep. performing this exercise will also help to grow your forearm(extensor) too. method is same as dumbbells biceps curls. just bend the palms in.

→ Method - Take a medium heavy weight dumbbells, then stand straight, palms should be facing each other, then curl your elbow in upward direction, let your biceps long head be contract, then get back your curled elbow downward to normal position, repeat this action. do 3-4 sets of 10-12 reps in each set.

→ Weight - 5-10 kg.

→ Sets - 3-4 sets

→ Reps - 10-12 reps in each set

→ Target heads - long head 

→ Equipment - pair of dumbbells

3 Best Biceps exercises for beginners with dumbbells
image - google | Anabolic aliens

3. Concentration curls -

Concentration curls are one of the best exercise for short head of biceps. this is isolation exercise done with a low weight dumbbell. in this exercise, we have to make a muscle-mind connection, our entire focus should be on the contraction and expansion of our biceps. this is done alternately with one hand.

→ Method - Take a low weight dumbbell in right hand, then sit on the edge of bench or chair, place your elbow in your right inner thigh (stable your elbow and shoulder so that it cannot move), then curl your elbow in upwards direction and allow your bicep to contract. then get back your curled elbow in downwards to normal position, repeat this action. do 2-3 sets with 10-12 reps in each set, do the same set with left hand.  

→ Weight - 2.5-5 kg.

→ Sets - 2-3 sets

→ Reps - 10-12 reps in each set

→ Target heads - short head 

→ Equipment - pair of dumbbells

3 Best Biceps exercises for beginners with dumbbells
image - google | Anabolic aliens

This was our best 3 exercise which will target your overall biceps. if you are searching for such biceps exercise that can done at home only with dumbbells, then you must try this exercises.   

Thanks for reading



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