12 Ways to boost your Immune system naturally at home


12 Ways to boost your Immune system naturally at home

Today we will discuss about 12 ways that will help you to boost your Immune system naturally at home. these are 100% natural and proven ways. it all includes customizing your diet, that will give you such results.

  In simple words, immunity is capability of your body to resist the harmful microorganisms and bacteria, it protects you from getting sick. it plays important role in our daily life as we are surrounded by millions of bacteria and microorganisms that can causes fever, cold, typhoid, influenza, flues etc. 

  There are some activities which can reduce our immunity. stress, anxiety, eating junk food, alcohol consumption, smoking, are some activities which affects negatively. 

   So, we'll tell about some do's and don'ts that you should follow to improve it naturally. indirectly, we are aiming a healthy lifestyle which is natural way to improve your body resistance power against bacteria and viruses.

Immunity against Covid-19

12 Ways to boost your Immune system naturally at home

  as we all are suffering from this pandemic, corona is kind of viruses which directly attacks on internal organs such lungs, then liver, kidneys etc. we should follow guidelines given by our government and doctors. our immune system plays role in recovering from corona viruses. There is risk of dying from corona for people with low immunity as their body is not capable to fight with this viruses.

  so, we should do all the possible remedies at home. our below discussed ways will help you out. keep in mind immunity is important but its not everything to save us from corona, wearing mask, social distancing, avoid all unnecessary traveling, clean your hands regularly with soap or alcohol based sanitizer are important.

Let's discuss about 12 important ways to boost your immune system naturally at home

  1. Vitamin C rich foods - Vitamin C is important vitamin for skin bones, tissue repair and also a great immune booster vitamin. it mostly found in citrus fruits such as lemon, oranges, Indian gooseberry (amla), strawberry. I would recommend to drink lemon juice daily or orange juice. lemon juice would be easy and quick process.
  2. Anti-oxidant rich foods - Anti-oxidants are naturally found in our body. our body produces some antioxidants itself. they help to prevent cell damage caused by free radicals. it is important substance in improving our resistance power. garlic, ginger, cinnamon, black pepper, lemon, turmeric etc. are antioxidant rich foods. adding cinnamon powder or black pepper would be easy and time conserving process.
  3. Healthy fats rich foods - Healthy fats are much important macro-nutrient in living a healthy life. they are helpful in maintaining our hormones level, brain functioning and healthy heart as well as its helpful in proper functioning of immune system. we should target peanuts, walnuts, almonds, cashews, olive oil, flaxseeds, chia seeds etc. to complete our healthy fats requirement. they are rich in omega-3, omega-6, omega-9 and unsaturated fats. at least 1-2 foods should be in your diet. eat a tbsp of flaxseeds or chia seeds with your meal would be easy and time conserving or use a almonds or cashews in your snacks
    12 Ways to boost your Immune system naturally at home
  4. Protein rich foods - Protein contains Essential Amino Acid, Non-essential Amino Acid and Semi-essential Amino Acid, which are responsible for muscle repairing and growth. it also helps in formation of more anti-bodies which will result in improved immune system. milk, eggs, chicken, fish, soya beans, paneer are high in protein. boiled eggs or egg omellete in your breakfast and warm milk before sleep would be good option.
    12 Ways to boost your Immune system naturally at home
    Image - Marco Verch Professional Photographer
  5. vegetables and fruits - Eating raw green veggies with at least 1-2 meals everyday would be great job. your stomach health should be better if you want a better immune function. if you are facing constipation or any digestion issue veggies will help you to fix that issue as they contains lots of fibers and digestive enzymes. green vegetables also contains high amount of vitamins and minerals. broccoli, cucumber, spinach, carrots, etc are best vegetables to be in your meals, you can steam them before eating. when we talk about fruits, they are also high in vitamins and minerals. orange, apple, pomegranate, guava etc. are best to be your snacks. you can use alternate fruits and vegetables daily to get different vitamins and minerals.
    12 Ways to boost your Immune system naturally at home

  6. Daily exercise - Daily exercise for 1 hour would be smarter way to be in shape as well as improve your immunity power. sweating during workout will flush all toxins and bad bacteria from your body. it will help to improve your heart functioning as your heart rate increases during workout and improve your respiratory system too. overall your internal organ functioning will get better. it will improve blood circulation means nutrients will be supplied properly in each parts of body. you can do skipping, push ups, squats, stretching, dance, zumba, aerobics and other body weight exercises, if you do home workout.
    12 Ways to boost your Immune system naturally at home

  7. Daily 7-8 hour quality sleep - Quality sleep is one of the most important factor for living healthy life. studies have found that people with sufficient sleep have stronger immune system as compared to people with short sleep. quality of sleep helps in hormonal balance. it also helps to improve your heart health as studies have also found that people with short sleep has risk of heart disease. 
    12 Ways to boost your Immune system naturally at home
    Image - google | Eric Minbiole

  8. Sufficient liters of water - Hydrated body always functions better over dehydrated body. 3-4 liters of water daily is help for better blood circulation, kidney filtration, flush toxins through urine. staying hydrated will definitely help you out.
    12 Ways to boost your Immune system naturally at home
    Image - google | Marco Verch Professional Photographer

  9. Maintain your stress level - When we are stressed, angry or depressed, our adrenal gland release a hormone called 'cortisol'. it is responsible for most of our health problems, for example - hair fall, muscle loss, fat gain, hormone imbalance, lower your bacteria resisting ability, high blood pressure etc. are symptoms of when your body produces too much of cortisol. balancing it would be great as our body need in little amount to maintain inflammation levels, regulating blood sugar level and metabolism.
    12 Ways to boost your Immune system naturally at home
     Image - google | Firesam

  10. Limit your sugar intake - Sugar is part of our daily routine. coffee, tea, sweets, candies, cold and cakes are sugary foods increase your blood sugar level significantly, which kills the good bacteria in your intestine which is not good for your immune health. sometimes you can use honey and jaggery instead of sugar.
    12 Ways to boost your Immune system naturally at home

  11. Avoid alcohol consumption - Avoiding alcohol consumption would be great step to  boost your immunity. as we all know that, drinking alcohol can harm our body. so can you think that alcohol will improve our immunity, 100% No! alcohol will damage our internal organs as well as dehydration, droop vitamin C levels, increase sugar level, anxiety, depression, stress are causes of alcohol consumption.
    12 Ways to boost your Immune system naturally at home

  12. Avoid junk foods - Junk foods are high caloric foods contains high amount of simple carbohydrate and saturated fats. in previous article, we have discussed about health problems with junk foods. so how it affects? as we have discussed, junk foods increase our blood sugar level, kills good bacteria and promotes bad bacteria in intestine. so, avoid junk foods for better health.   
    12 Ways to boost your Immune system naturally at home

These are our 12 ways which will help you to boost you immune power naturally at home, these all ways are not much complicated or tough to follow. following these steps will definitely help you.

Thanks for reading 


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