Top Fitness youtubers in India

    Top Fitness youtubers in India  

top fitness youtubers in India


     Nowadays, Youtube is one of the best online platform to learn any field. people come here from all over the world to learn new skills, for entertainment, to earn money and many other reasons. fitness industry is also growing rapidly, people are taking their fitness seriously and they are working on their fitness goals. they are acquiring knowledge about nutritiondieting and workout plans from various platforms, youtube is also one of the platform.

       There are many certified fitness trainers and nutritionist sharing their valuable knowledge as content for free of cost.

     let's discuss about top 3 Indian fitness youtube channels 

top fitness youtubers in India
1. Guru Mann Fitness - Guru mann fitness is the most famous Indian fitness youtube channel with 2.16 millions of subscribers, its founder guru mann was born in Amritsar, Punjab in India. he is certified fitness trainer, fitness model, sports nutritionist, fitness Author, CEO and founder in California, USA. he is working hard for his mission to make India a fit country, that's why he started 'Mission India Fit'. he has also launched his own fitness academy named as 'GMSA Fitness Academy' is now converted in MIFI(Mission India fitness Institute). you should subscribe to his channel for best fitness guidance.

top fitness youtubers in India

2. Jeet Selal Aesthetics - Jeet Selal is one of the best certified trainer and Nutritionist, his youtube channel 'Jeet Selal Aesthetics' is one of most popular fitness channel in Indian fitness youtube with 2.96 millions of subscribers. his main motive is to spread awareness about natural bodybuilding and sports. he has taken certification in fitness from Australia. he has launched his academy named 'Himalayan Stallion Academy' . he is also working hard to make India a fit country and creating revolution against drug abuse and steroidal use in sports field. you should subscribe to his channel for best fitness beginners guidance.

top fitness youtubers in India

3. Abhinav Mahajan
He is Indian certified trainer and sports nutritionist. he is from Mumbai, runs famous youtube channel named 'Abhinav Mahajan' with 1.67 millions of subscribers. he is known for his international modeling career, which later he left and started making his career in fitness industry. you should subscribe to his channel for best fitness guidance.

      That was our top 3 listing for best youtube channel in India. you should definitely subscribe to three of them.
Thanks for reading


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