In this post, we will discuss how to improve digestion quickly at home. we will give you some tips to keep it healthy. following tips will also help to those who are suffering from any gut issue.
It plays important role in living a healthy lifestyle. how much we digest is more important than how much we eat, it depends your stomach health.
A strong digestive system is responsible for proper nutrient absorption. the food that we consume in our daily life has macro and micro nutrients, which our body needs to function well. after absorbing the nutrient properly, it travels through our blood cell throughout the body.
how our digestive system get weakens
We make some mistakes in our daily life that weakens our digestion. eating junk food, sedentary lifestyle, not chewing food properly, drinking water with meals are some activities affects badly, which we will discuss in brief.
Symptoms of poor digestive system
Here are some symptoms like bloated stomach, gas, heart burn, constipation and food intolerance to identify unhealthy gut. if you are facing any above symptoms, you must fix it with the help of tips we will discuss. it may not harm today but can harm your liver and intestine in future.
12 tips to improve digestion
1. Vegetables and fruits -
At least your 1-2 meals should contain steamed or raw vegetables. they are rich in fibers which helps in proper breakdown of food. they are also rich in enzymes, vitamins and minerals. broccoli, cucumber, spinach, carrots etc are good enough in fiber, vitamins and minerals. when we talk about fruits, they are also high in vitamins, minerals and antioxidant. you can have oranges, apple, pomegranate, guava, kiwi etc. in snack (1-2 fruits daily). you can shuffle vegetables and fruits daily to have variety of vitamins and minerals.
2. Eat more Complex carbs -
choosing a complex carbs instead of simple carbs would be better option to keep your gut healthy as they contain fiber and vitamins. they are considered as a good source of carbs and simple carbs as bad source. simple cards are quickly digestible, they can cause stomach issues like constipation and bloating. on the other hand, complex carbs are slowly digestible, they provide sustainable energy for a long time. oats, brown rice, whole wheat, sweet potatoes etc. are sources of complex carbs. click here for more carbohydrate info
3. Sufficient water -
Water is essential for our overall health. it helps to break down the food so that nutrients can be absorbed properly and also helps to thin and soften the food to prevent against constipation problem. but keep in mind, drinking water with your meals or just after your meals can kill your ingestion process, so avoid this mistake.
4. Probiotics -
Probiotics are combination of good bacteria helps to keep your gut healthy. our intestine has good and bad bacteria both in which 80% are good and 20% are bad. adding a probiotic in your diet will help you to maintain the ratio of bacteria. curd, kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi, are sources of good bacteria, I think curd is best as it is cheap and available easily.
5. Healthy fats -
Omega 3 and Omega 6 Omega 9 and unsaturated fats are considered as healthy fats peanut walnut almond cashews fatty fish olive oil are rich in healthy fats they are important to maintain your heart health brain function and hormonal balance as well as help in proper nutrient absorption. studies have found that adding a healthy fat rich foods in your diet will prevent inflammatory bowel disease.
6. Avoid junk foods -
Junk food are high in calories. when we talk about macro breakdown, they all contain simple carbohydrates and unhealthy fat. this kind of food can kill the good bacteria and increase the bad bacteria as we have discussed all the bad effects of junk food in a previous post. they are zero in fiber, vitamins and minerals. they can disturb your gut health as well as your overall health.
7. Avoid sedentary lifestyle -
Lifestyle where we have zero relation with exercise or any physical activity. lying on a bed, scrolling social media, video games, TV, watching movies, watching Netflix etc. are examples of living sedentary Lifestyle. always sitting can compress your abdomen which can cause bloating, heartburn, gas and constipation issues. being lazy and inactive all the day can cause improper functioning of internal organs and many more problems. try to do walking, cycling, gym, dance, etc. daily for just 1 hour.
8. Chew your food -
It is said that half digestion of food should be completed in mouth. when we chew food, saliva is released from salivary gland. saliva contain digestive juices which break down starch. it also help to smooth and soften food, so that it can pass through our esophagus (food pipe), but most of people don't even chew their food properly which can leads to incomplete breakdown of food in mouth. it is said that, we should chew a morsel 32 times.
9. Avoid drinking water with meals -
Most of people drink water with meals or just after meals which disturbs the process of food breakdown. after taking a meal, our body temperature slowly rise to break down the food but drinking water can decrease the temperature, which leads to indigestion issues. so keep in mind that, never drink water with meal or just after a meal. you can drink water after 30-40 minutes.
10. Avoid taking shower after meal -
As we have discussed above that our body temperature slightly rise after taking a meal to break down food. same condition applies, when we take bath or shower just after meal, it decrease the temperature which again disturb the digestion process and cause the problem of indigestion and bloating.
11. Yoga to boost your digestive health -
Yoga is Indian traditional practices for physical and mental improvement. it is originated from ancient India. there is a different stretching movements in Yoga called 'Asana'. there is also an Asana to improve digestion which is called 'vajrasana'. after eating food you should do this Asana for 5 to 10 minutes. Method to perform - bend both legs from the knee and sit on the ankles. both toes and knees should be connected. stay on the top of soles of the feet, back should be straight, keep your hand on knees without bending your elbows, palm should be facing down do it for 5-10 minutes in beginning days, then you can slowly raise the time, after you get habitual
12. Daily 7-8 hours good quality sleep -
We have discussed about impact of quality sleep on our health in a previous post. now, how the quality sleep can help in our digestive system. studies have found that our digestive system work on it peak level during sleep. if we do not sleep well then our digestion process will not work so efficiently.
So, following this easy steps would build a strong digestive system at home. these steps are not so complicated and tough to follow. these steps will definitely help to give you results.
Thanks for reading
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